Captain Marvel trailer: introducing Carol Danvers and the sexist ‘Smile More’ criticism

Everyone and their sisters have heard and watched the amazing first teaser trailer for Captain Marvel. It garnered 24M views on YouTube and a viewed over 109M times in a single day. As confirmed by the Marvel Studios (and the ‘Blockbuster Video’ sign at the start of the trailer), the movie is set in the early 90s. It is a highly anticipated movie ahead of Avengers 4, releasing on March 8 (International Women’s day, wink wink).

We didn’t get any idea about the story except those which people already were expecting. It’s better that way since recent trailers of a few ambitious movies ended up spilling out the entire storyline (*cough* Aquaman *cough*). The trailer introduced an awesome Carol Danvers played by Brie Larson, a relatively younger Nick Fury (Samuel Jackson) and Phil Coulson (Robert Clark Gregg) were the major highlights.

Also Read: Avengers: Infinity War Review and Discussion

We also got to see a glimpse of Jude Law as Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell), the Skrulls, Ronan, Korath as well as some insights on Carol’s roots in the Air Force, along with her best friend and fellow fighter pilot, Maria Rambeau, played by Lashana Lynch.

Also, there is an Easter Egg in the poster if you noticed, Carol Danvers’ feline pet ‘Chewie’.


Marvel’s de-aging process looks fantastic. I like the costume design of the characters. The action sequence especially the one where Carol flips on top of the train while the camera moves with her motion looks amazing. I am especially living for her punching the daylights out of the old woman who probably is a disguised Skrull. Else, RIP grandma.

The reactions to the trailer were divided, unfortunately. Due to the mystery surrounding the project, most enjoyed the trailer. However, there was a section of people who were convinced Brie Larson, an Oscar-winning actress, hasn’t acted in the movie and needs to ‘smile more’.

Girls, you know what this means and you know what I’m going to say. “Smile more” is a term that women get to hear a lot in the form of catcalling or even from fellow men like colleagues or family. It is annoying, sexist and undermines a woman who is reduced to just a smile. The rest of you who are unfamiliar with or have used this term themselves might wonder why, just go watch Marvel’s Jessica Jones.

Also Read: Jessica Jones Review: Season 1 vs Season 2

Few so-called fans took it up a notch when they added a fake smile over Brie Larson’s face, which was quite offensive. It seems like even Captain Marvel is not safe from sexist comments.

However, Brie Larson proved that she is no less than the powerful Captain Marvel. In response, she posted fan-made modified posters of Iron Man, Captain America and Doctor Strange on her Instagram story.


Creepy aren’t they? So would be Captain Marvel if she smiled throughout the intergalactic war in the movie. When you expect your male heroes to look tough and badass, why do you expect the female heroes to just smile?


Trolls and rude commentators will be……

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All images and videos belong to Marvel Studios


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