Road to Infinity War: Revisiting MCU Phase 3

So when they needed us, we could fight the battles… That they never could.

Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe delves in the aftermath of the actions and decisions taken in Phase 1 and 2. It recognises the opinion of the public and the general mistrust and destruction left by the Avengers after Sokovia. This phase shows the crack commencing within the team, with ideals being divided and subsequent internal battle. This is a journey of the Avengers from being fragmented to fighting an ultimate threat together. New superheroes like Doctor Strange and Black Panther are introduced. Spiderman franchise is back in MCU with a reboot. It also features sequels like Captain America: Civil War, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Thor: Ragnarok and the ultimate Avengers: Infinity War.




Obvious Warning: Spoilers

Captain America: Civil War (2016)

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This is my all-time favourite Marvel movie. Captain America: Civil War could have gone wrong in so many ways. With a cast this big, there were fears that the movie would be cluttered. However, with the Russo brothers fantastic direction, Civil War emerges to be one of the best movies made by Marvel. The tone of the movie is a lot more serious than Avengers, following the footsteps of the Captain America movies.

There is the addition of two new superheroes, namely Black Panther and Spiderman. Their debuts are the best even though they have their origin stories after Civil War. 

In the aftermath of Ultron and the destruction of Sokovia, it was inevitable that the Avengers face the consequences of their actions. Aggravated by the public and government outcry lead the countries collectively proposing the Accords. These Accords successfully cause a rift among the Avengers leading to two camps: Team Stark, with the Accords and Team Captain, against the Accords. This not only leads to bad blood but also worsens when Bucky is accused to bomb the Accords signing causing the death of the King of Wakanda, T’Chaka. Steve’s belief that Bucky is innocent and can be saved and T’Challa’s quest for vengeance of his Baba’s death leads to Captain being a fugitive. Added with the antagonist Zemo, who is hell-bent on destroying the Avengers uses Bucky’s HYDRA connection to create havoc.

The ultimate showdown between the two camps at the airport is mind-blowing. The final reveal of the real reason of Howard Stark’s death and the subsequent two-on-one fight at Siberia is one of the key emotional moments of the movie despite it being an action scene.

Civil War is grand, emotional and a heavy movie. If Infinity War follows in its footsteps, we will have the best movie ever.

Mid-Credit scene: At Wakanda, T’Challa offers Steve and Bucky refuge and assistance till they find the cure for the latter’s mental programming. Bucky goes back to cryostasis. This is foreshadowing Black Panther.

Post-Credit scene: At home, May questions Peter Parker about his black eye. When she leaves the room, Peter is amazed at his new web-shooters emitting a Spider-Man mask like symbol. This is foreshadowing Spider-Man Homecoming.

Doctor Strange (2016)


Doctor Strange was one of the most anticipated origin stories as it was high time the Sorcerer Supreme made his debut on the Marvel screens. This movie also debuts the fifth Infinity Stone i.e. the Eye of Agamotto (Time Stone).

Visually, Doctor Strange is a delight to watch. It has some of the best visuals for the Mirror dimensions, the astral projections, the Dark dimensions and the Quantum Realm. This is the second movie to explain the Quantum Realm after Ant-Man. My absolute favourite is when the Eternal One punches the soul out of Strange’s body, literally.

On a re-watch, you realise Doctor Strange uses the same formula that Marvel uses for an origin story. It painfully reminds you of Iron Man and Thor. An arrogant neurologist Doctor Stephen Strange loses his ability to move his hands after an unfortunate accident (Don’t text and drive kids). A neurologist losing his hand movements is career-ending. To regain his hands, he enlists the help of the Eternal One where he discovers worlds beyond the grasps of physics and reality. Eternal One grants him a choice, to either receive what he sought or be a selfless sorcerer.

Benedict Cumberbatch is great as the Sorcerer Supreme but isn’t given much character or time to have a successful development. Rachel McAdams really is just wasted as a second fiddle. It would be great to see Karl Mordo develop as the arch-nemesis of Doctor Strange.

The magical/brilliant things like Mirror Dimension, Dark Dimension, Quantum Realm, etc. is obviously outside the understanding of us mortal Midgardians unless well if you’re Doctor Strange doing strange things. It’s best not to dwell too much on their concepts as they anyways defy the laws of gravity, physics, reality and time. The ending with a time loop resulting in Doctor Strange and Dormammu trapped in a single moment in time is brilliant and foreshadows what can be expected in Infinity War (although it does feel very much like a Doctor Who episode).

Mid-Credit scene: This is a cut-down scene from Thor: Ragnarok. Doctor Strange questions Thor’s motives of bringing Loki to Earth. He offers to let them meet Odin as long as the three return back to Asgard.

Post-Credit scene: Mordo confronts Pangborn and steals his magic, claiming Earth has too many sorcerers.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)

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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is all about our beloved Star-Lord. Those who were wondering how Peter Quill was half-celestial get their answers here. I won’t really delve much into the movie because that would take out the fun of the movie.

This is kind of an origin story of Peter. It also delves deeper into the relation between Nebula, Gamora and Thanos. It explains why there is so much animosity between the sisters as well as collectively towards Thanos. It is heartbreaking and gives us more insight on the mad Titan.

We have the addition of Mantis and Nebula in our Guardians gang. Yondu turns out to be a good guy. There will certainly be comparisons and debates as to which of Guardians of the Galaxy movie is the best. But it can’t be denied that this movie too is insanely hilariously funny. It’s a perfect joyride before the doom.

Post-Credit scene: This movie has 5(!) post-credit scenes.

  1. Obfunteri tries to use the Yaka Arrow, running away after stabbing Drax in the shoulder.
  2. Inspired by Yondu’a sacrifice, Ogord meets up and proposes to reassemble their old team.
  3. Ayesha tells she is creating someone who is capable of destroying the Guardians of the Galaxy, naming him Adam.
  4. Peter Quill finds now-adolescent Groot playing video-game and is annoyed at the vines shedding across the room.
  5. The Watchers return from their informant who begs them to listen to his adventures.



Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)


The sweet and youngest (most accurate) Peter Parker. He won hearts in his debut in Captain America: Civil War. This movie isn’t much of an origin story as he is already in a movie and frankly we are all tired of seeing the origin of Spider-Man to the point of us able to recite it by-heart in our sleep.

Spider-Man Homecoming is a very good attempt at a reboot. Although I’m a big fan of Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man movies, I think Tom Holland is the perfect choice as he nails the age group much better than the former.

Following the events of Civil War, the movie follows Peter Parker’s journey to become a true superhero. The villain isn’t mainstream and not much of a threat to involve the Avengers (something most of the standalone Marvel movies after a crossover movie get wrong). This makes Spider-Man’s motive to stop the villain to prove he is no less than an Avenger is a good enough reason. Tom’s on-screen chemistry with RDJ’s Tony Stark is very much easygoing. It’s very interesting to see Tony play a mentor cum father figure role to Peter, ultimately giving him the boost to emerging victorious.

The off-hand remark from Happy stating that they are working on making Cap’s Shield (which was left by him at Siberia in Civil War) makes things more interesting. Tony presenting the brand new suit for Iron Spider had us all feeling hyped for its use in the ultimate Infinity War.

Mid-Credit scene: Adrian Toomes meets Mac Gargan who says he has “friends” looking for Spider-Man to kill him and confronts him about knowing his identity. Toomes denies the allegation and goes to meet his family.

Post-Credit scene: Breaking the fourth wall, Captain America asks the viewers the importance of patience, that they haven’t waited so long for something so disappointing.

Thor: Ragnarok (2017)


Finally! A movie the God of Thunder rightly deserves. This movie was a surprise relief from the serious, dark Thor’s second instalment which didn’t do the franchise any justice. This is the lightest-hearted movies that Marvel has to offer after Guardians of the Galaxy. It also saved the Thor franchise which wasn’t shown much interest or importance in the Marvel movies. Thor went from serious and arrogant character to hilariously funny. Even with the prophecy of Ragnarok, an impending destruction of Asgard.

After Odin’s death, enters the secret sister Hela, the Goddess of Death. She seeks out to reclaim the thrones of Asgard. Thor and Loki, fallen away from the Bifrost, land to a planet Sakaar, where they encounter the Hulk, who is absconding since the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron. Together they escape saving Asgard from Hela and Ragnarok.

Hela is a brilliant and scary villain, the much needed female antagonist very rarely seen in MCU. Valkyrie is strong and a better female character than the ones we are usually presented with.

I like the fact that everything was so hilarious that not even one second felt boring. None of the characters took themselves seriously. My favourite moment was Loki cheering at Thor getting Hulk smashed. Even big moments like Thor’s Hammer being destroyed and his eye being cut off do not dampen the mood of the movie.

The ending was very appropriate, with Thor finally being worthy of the throne. Loki and Thor reconcile and together the Asgardians go on a journey to… Infinity War.

Mid-Credit scene: After reconciliation, Loki asks Thor if going to Earth is a good idea. A massive spaceship appears in front of theirs, foreshadowing Avengers: Infinity War.

Post-Credit scene: The Grandmaster declares the revolution as a draw in order to pacify the Sakaar citizens.

Black Panther (2018)


Highest earning box office blockbuster is the name earned by the much beloved Black Panther.

As a personal opinion, I’m not a big fan of the movie as it did make me doze off especially during the first half (*ducks from flying bricks and pans*). There are a lot of things that bothered me which I would not go into detail.

The storyline in the first half was painfully slow as there was a clear absence of a threat and I was led to wonder what exactly are we going for. The car chase, though pretty well executed, again brought the question of continuity regarding Wakanda preferring to live in shadows. Remember T’Chaka’s speech in Civil War?

The second half was better with good concepts and fights. The fight at the end was brilliant and Killmonger’s speech about the Black people would have been able to fight back with the resources that Wakanda kept a secret (although this was dampened by multiple references already shared throughout the movie).

The villain Killmonger is great and his motives are what makes him so effective and relatable. Shuri won hearts with her inventions. T’Challa as a character became even more developed after his understanding of vengeance consuming oneself. Fighting against traditions and doing what is right and just makes him a very mature superhero.

This movie sets a precedent and is empowering for everyone presenting with an almost all-black cast and surpassing even Titanic as the highest grossing movie of all time.

Mid-Credit scene: T’Challa speaks to the United Nations at Vienne International Centre and declares that Wakanda will no longer be inaccessible and will open its borders to shares its resources to help the world at large.

Post-Credit scene: A now-awake Bucky Barnes is visited by Shuri, who tells him that he has a lot to learn.

By the time you read this post, Avengers: Infinity War would be released and has broken every records and hearts.

Share your constructive criticism and feel free to disagree. Trolls and rude commentators will be……

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All images and characters belong to Marvel Studios and their respective copyright holders






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